No matter where you are in achieving your professional goals, I will give you free help. Yes, you can get free help. It’s 100% FREE! You’re only a click or a call away from a brighter future.
You’re curious about the IBCLC certification
Each year, dozens of people call my office because they can’t figure out how to become a lactation consultant. Some aren’t sure they want to do it. They don’t know what’s required, and some don’t even know what a lactation consultant really is.
If you’re in that boat, or know someone who is, get free help with video course that explains it all in plain English. In that short series, I provide links to IBLCE’s official words so you can quickly confirm what’s required.
If you’re an explorer or know someone who is, stop wasting time struggling to figure it out. This short series will answer a ton of questions and save you a ton of time.
You’re ready to earn your 95 required hours
WOW! If you qualify, you could get my entire 95-hour Lactation Education Course free! How so? Apply for a scholarship.
Visit my scholarship page for details and sign up for a reminder when the scholarship opens in May. We’ve had a scholarship winner every year since 2010. You could be the next!
Start when you get free help and then continue while I guide you every step of the way for the rest of your career.
You took the IBCLC exam and failed
This is probably the best-kept secret in the lactation world: I offer free help for people who have failed.
That’s right — I said free, individualized help. We’ll do a little “history-taking” about your background, experience, and test scores. Then, we’ll give you some solid recommendations for what to do next.
If you’re a perseverant, take heart! I’ve helped people who have failed once, twice, three or more times.
What’s the hitch? You just need to ask! Send email to info@mariebiancuzzo.com and we’ll take it from there.
Some people have already heard good reports about my Cure for Failure program. It’s not a magic bullet. But it’s better than just repeating what you did in the past, which apparently didn’t work at all! Check it out.
You’re re-certifying for the IBCLC exam
Most people freak out about taking that nasty test again. I get it! I’ve taken the exam myself 5 times, and I still get a little unnerved just thinking about it.
Get free help with these resources:
- 1000+ Lactation Terms You Should Know
- Born to Be Breastfed Podcasts
- IBCLC exam Prep Blogs
- Free Practice Exam Demo
You want to take the next step in your career
Yes, you’re certified. You’re an expert. Most likely, you’re an overachiever.
You’re a ROCK STAR lactation consultant!
Great, are you ready to take your career to the next level? You can get get free help! I now offer:
- a FREE discovery call to anyone who is serious about starting, growing, or scaling their private practice.
- coaching services to those who are employed in traditional roles but want to learn how to create a course or get published.
Don’t you think it’s time to get the money and the recognition you deserve? If so, send email to info@mariebiancuzzo.com to schedule your free discovery call today!
Admit it. You’re a Rock Star!
Get FREE help today; have a better tomorrow.
Here’s what you need to do.
- Decide which group you’re in: Explorer, Newbie, Perseverant, Recertifier, or Rock Star.
- Choose a least one FREE resource to help you move to the next professional level.
- Click or call for help. Use the links I gave you, send me an email, or call our office at 703-787-9894. Unlike most companies that offer online courses and services, we enjoy talking you, so don’t be afraid to just pick up the phone.
Congratulations! When you get free help, you set yourself up for a better future.
What’s holding you back from taking the next step in moving your career forward? Tell me in the comments below!