All 50 states, Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. Virgin Islands have laws protecting a mother’s right to breastfeed in any public…
Hospital staff members frequently ask me how they should handle situations when parents want donor milk for their baby. Often, shrouded somewhere in their question…
Each year, the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Advocacy (WABA) establishes a slogan. The slogan for World Breastfeeding Week 2019 is: EMPOWER PARENTS, ENABLE BREASTFEEDING, Now…
These days, you hear a lot about babywearing for healthy, full-term babies. But there’s almost no buzz about wearing your premature baby. Jennifer Canvasser created…
Unquestionably, support is helpful for anyone who sets a goal or undertakes a project. Whether you’re studying for an exam, kicking a bad habit, or…
In the 1970s, the late, great Dr. Derrick Jelliffe said that “breast is best.” This soon became the mantra of tens of thousands of breastfeeding…
If you haven’t already endured criticism about breastfeeding, brace yourself. At one point or another, nearly every breastfeeding mother is attacked for her decisions or…
Being a mom while serving in the United States military isn’t always easy. Deployments, training, and often unorthodox hours all add to the complexities of…
Nursing mothers are often told that eating chocolate while breastfeeding makes babies irritable and fussy because it contains caffeine. Is that true? Before jumping to…
Not every breastfeeding mother wants or needs an in-person visit along with the pressure of showing up at the appointed time. Not everyone needs to…