When I hunker down to do serious studying — which I must do to prepare my courses — I usually go old-school. And you should,…
The PQ4R method (sometimes called the “SQ4R method”) is a process used for learning new information. E. L. Thomas and H. A. Robinson developed the…
Everyone seems to think they need to set aside entire days to study. Maybe you do. But maybe you don’t, and you can have exam…
It’s important to consider the deadlines and key dates when it comes to your IBCLC journey. Visiting the IBLCE website and knowing your own goals…
Exhale. You met the November deadline to apply for the April version of the IBLCE Exam. You just paid your whopping fee. (The amount you…
Most certification or licensure exams, including the IBLCE Exam, use a multiple-choice format. Before taking a multiple-choice exam, everyone needs to develop some test-taking savvy.…
But here is a study and test-prep strategy that is often over-looked: Recitation. Study skills expert Walter Pauk notes in his popular how-to guide that “no single…
OK, you may have struggled a bit at first. But by now you’ve developed a solid goal for yourself, with specific learning objectives. You’ve also…
While helping people to pass a comprehensive exam, I’ve heard hundreds — if not thousands — of candidates say they “can’t find enough time to…
We all want to stop procrastinating, but it’s tough. We all have some unpleasant task that we’d rather put off doing. Whether it’s in our…