You’ve completed the requirements and you applied for the IBCLC exam, but what do you do now? You have loads of time to get prepared and study, right?
Um … no. Do not delude yourself into thinking that way. The IBCLC exam may seem far away, but in reality, your preparation time is very limited. What should you be doing now that you submitted your application?
Where to start?
You may be feeling overwhelmed. The exam covers a lot of topics so it’s easy to feel like there is too much to learn. But, with some planning and good resources, you can tackle the topics, step by step.
You’ve spent a good deal of time completing your requirements; the same should be true of your preparation for the exam.
Plan your studies
Determine which areas of the exam might be weak areas for you. Was there an area you struggled with when completing your 95 hours, or when taking your health science courses?
Think about what topics are new or have recently evolved. Staying current on breastfeeding issues and management is important.
Break your study time down into manageable chunks and be diligent in studying rather than cramming. It’s possible to have exam success in just minutes per day!
When creating your study plan, consider the makeup of the exam to help you to focus on specific categories.
Do not wait until the last minute
Procrastinating until the last minute lowers your odds of doing well. Stressing yourself out by cramming in your studies isn’t efficient and is unlikely to produce a good result.
You might be asking how much time do you really need to study? The answer varies for everyone, but it is not a simple answer.
Invest in yourself
You’ve already spent money to complete your requirements and now you’ve applied for the IBCLC exam. Now is the time to invest in yourself by putting aside time to prepare, and getting quality resources to help you succeed on your first try. Take a comprehensive review course and succeed on the first try.
Have you just applied for the IBCLC exam or are planning to apply before the upcoming deadline? How are you preparing now that you’ve submitted your application? Share your plans in the comments below!