Every day, we breastfeeding advocates do our best to bring our message to breastfeeding mothers and those who serve them. Every year, we are somewhat aware of the celebrations for World Breastfeeding Week. But this year, as World Breastfeeding Week 2018 begins, let’s take a look at some fast facts.

What provided the incentive to start World Breastfeeding Week?
A small but dedicated group of breastfeeding advocates wrote The Innocenti Declaration. (Seems like she never mentioned it in public, but the late Dr. Miriam Labbok told me she was a main author.) The Innocenti Declaration called for us to protect, promote, and support breastfeeding.
How long has World Breastfeeding Week existed?
World Breastfeeding Week was first established in 1992.
Why was August 1 chosen as the start date?
The Innocenti Declaration was signed on August 1, 1991.
Which organization heads up World Breastfeeding Week?
Formed in 1991, the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) has a mission is to facilitate and strengthen social mobilization of the Innocenti Declaration tenets. (However, many organizations participate.) Each year, WABA establishes the theme and the specific objectives for World Breastfeeding Week.
What are the objectives for World Breastfeeding Week 2018?
Notably, this year’s theme is Breastfeeding: Foundation of Life. Furthermore, WABA has established four objectives for World Breastfeeding Week 2018. These include:
- Inform people about the links between good nutrition, food security, poverty reduction, and breastfeeding.
- Anchor breastfeeding as the foundation of life.
- Engage with individuals and organizations for greater impact.
- Galvanize action to remember breastfeeding as part of good nutrition, food security, and poverty reduction.
How can we meet the World Breastfeeding Week 2018 objectives?
Certainly, WABA has some globally-appropriate ideas and resources to help with your efforts (in 9 different languages.) And, if you are looking for some of my ideas for ways to inform, anchor, engage and galvanize all year long, look no further! I am offering free resources that relate to all four objectives!
Visit us here and register to be part of Marie’s Insiders Club where you will have access to free content I have created—starting with World Breastfeeding Week resources!
When you register, you’ll get access to the World Breastfeeding Week resources I’ve created.
Did you know all of these facts? If not, share this with a friend during World Breastfeeding Week 2018!