Online learning has become more and more popular. So it’s no surprise when I tell you why I created an all online lactation course: Because hundreds of people asked for it! Why so? Here are 5 reasons I’ve heard most frequently.
1. An online lactation course lets you work at your own pace
Far and away, this is the number one reason I’ve heard. In today’s world, people want control of the time of day they take their course, and how long they sit down and attend each session. Since many women who are seeking to fulfill their credit requirement have small children and a full-time job, some want the opportunity to learn at midnight — and in their pajamas. An online lactation course does all of that.
Self-paced learning also means that you can fly through the material that is familiar to you. (No need to doodle on scrap paper, or to fall asleep!) Conversely, it means that you can repeat something over and over if you are having trouble understanding. You have complete control of your learning speed.
2. It’s the speed demon’s way to start learning
Point, click, pay and — voila! You can start learning. (Our online lactation course almost always loads within 10 minutes of when payment is received.)
3. Online learning requires no travel
In the movie Star Trek, Captain Kirk never said the exact phrase, “Beam me up, Scotty.” Nonetheless, it has become a catch phrase in popular culture to indicate a non-traveling way to be transported from one location to another. Like others, I love the “being there” but frankly, I don’t like the “getting there!”
4. An online lactation course is more economical
Taking an online lactation course costs less than an on-site, in person course. I didn’t say it’s cheap.
Registration fees for an online lactation course are less expensive than for live courses. That’s because the entity providing the course doesn’t incur the expenses for an on-site course. And, your cost for transportation, meals, parking, and various other costs associated with travel is zero.
However, you do owe it to yourself to be aware of any “hidden” costs. For example, to spend money for paper and ink cartridge to print tons of stuff. That doesn’t count your time printing out and organizing the materials. Just go into this with your eyes opened.
5. Online offers a comfortable learning environment
As an instructor, I try to find large, cheerful teaching environments that are conducive to learning, and convenient to the highway with a variety of restaurants nearby. But as a learner, honestly, I’d rather be sitting in my ergonomic office chair (or wearing my pajamas curled up a recliner) with my books and a big mug of coffee.
Using an online lactation course means that you never need to worry about whether you can hear the speaker. And, there’s no tall person sitting in front of you to obstruct your view of the photos. Sure, technical issues can and do happen, but for the most part, you can just try again.
Any or all of these reasons might propel you to take an online lactation course. And, at this point, there’s yet another reason: You need to meet ALL of your requirements before the IBLCE’s deadline. The IBLCE’s deadline for applying for the exam is coming up soon, so you’ll need to make some decisions, and get started doing whatever you choose.
I’ve cited the reasons I’ve heard for why people choose an online lactation course. (Whether it is effective is an entirely separate discussion.) Doing a live course — ours or anyone else’s — isn’t bad. It can be good! You’ve got to pick what works for you and your set of circumstances right now.
If you’re ready to get started, check out my comprehensive online Lactation Education Course. Or, if you need only 45 credits, check out my online Step Up course.
All of the above listed reasons are true for me! Thank you for the opportunity!
I’m not surprised! I’ve heard this from people sooooooooo many times! But thank you for the reinforcement. I’d just like to caution, online education isn’t for everyone. It requires a lot of self-discipline, because it’s pretty much a DIY deal, you know?