You know what it’s like. You’re taking a multiple choice exam; you see the question and four options. But doggone it, you see two options…
Although I make my living as a lactation educator (Lactation Exam Review, Comprehensive Lactation Course, and more), I too have to take — and pass! — the…
A career-critical exam differs greatly from an end-of-semester exam. One major difference is that a licensure or certification exam seeks to determine if you are minimally…
Most certification or licensure exams, including the IBLCE Exam, use a multiple-choice format. Before taking a multiple-choice exam, everyone needs to develop some test-taking savvy.…
There are 175 different exam questions on the IBCLC exam. You might assume that means there are 175 different answers. Well, I suppose it depends on…
Of the hundreds of questions I’ve fielded in my years as a IBCLC exam prep instructor, this is probably the one I have heard most…