A career-critical exam differs greatly from an end-of-semester exam. One major difference is that a licensure or certification exam seeks to determine if you are minimally…
Most certification or licensure exams, including the IBLCE Exam, use a multiple-choice format. Before taking a multiple-choice exam, everyone needs to develop some test-taking savvy.…
You want to do it. You really do. But no matter how often you tell yourself you’re going to take (and rock) the next step…
Ah, yes. You know you need to start studying sometime, but how soon is “sometime”? You’re feeling fearful that if you start too soon, you’ll…
At this time of the year, I hear from so many of you who have taken one of my courses, and successfully passed the IBLCE™…
There’s something you want. Whether it’s a having slimmer body, getting a new puppy, going on an exotic vacation, or landing a better job, there’s…
In his book “The Big Leap,” Gay Hendricks, PhD, makes an important point about why we delay pursuing our dreams. He says that such delay…
I’ve been there; I know the after-exam stress. I passed, and you probably will too. But stress begets stress, and that’s no good for anyone.…
But here is a study and test-prep strategy that is often over-looked: Recitation. Study skills expert Walter Pauk notes in his popular how-to guide that “no single…
There are 175 different exam questions on the IBCLC exam. You might assume that means there are 175 different answers. Well, I suppose it depends on…