Now that we’ve acknowledged the amazingly complex milk ejection reflex, which you’ve probably heard called milk let-down, let’s explore how certain stimuli may impact let-down,…
Have you ever thought about what I like to call the “magic triangle”? That’s milk production, milk ejection, and milk transfer. Each of those is…
I like to eat and drink. I’m guessing that you like to eat and drink, too. If you’re breastfeeding, you’ve probably heard about foods and…
Maybe you’ve explored every pharmacologic, plant or herbal explanation for your low milk supply. But there are some social aspects of milk suppression, too. Inadequate…
The other day, I talked about pharmaceutical products that can potentially affect milk supply. Today, I want to talk about plant-based and herbal milk suppressants.…
We know that some substances suppress milk production. Today, I’ll talk about pharmaceutical milk suppressants. But stay tuned for part 2 where I’ll address other…
Maybe you’re adopting a baby and you want to breastfeed. You’ve heard about relactation, but you’re skeptical. Here are a few questions you’ll want to…
Breast pump manufacturers have done a great job of convincing mothers that their product is as much a “must have” new-parent item as diapers and…
It’s no wonder that TRICARE (the healthcare insurance of the US armed forces) and some other leading insurance providers are now covering the cost of…
I remember the day the mother of triplets handed me a couple of bottles of Guinness beer and said, “This is the secret to making…