Thinking about sitting for the IBCLC® exam? The deadline to apply is approaching quickly. You must have ALL your requirements completed before the IBCLC exam application. But it’s not too late!
Hop on it now because if you miss this deadline, you won’t be able to the exam this cycle. Keep an eye on the key dates and deadlines.
Here’s some last-minute advice to meet the IBCLC exam application deadline.
Get your lactation specific education
Before the IBCLC exam application deadline, you must earn a total of 95 hours of lactation specific education and communication. Our 95-hour online course is just what you need right now.
If you’ve already earned 45 hours, get our all online 45-hour Step Up course.
Wondering if you have time to get it done? Yes, you can do it! Commit to about 2-3 hours a night and finish this requirement within one month. (Or hunker down over a few long weekends.)
Get your health sciences education
If you’re already a recognized healthcare professional as defined by IBLCE, you can skip this step, since they assume you’ve already completed this requirement in your basic education. Otherwise, our health sciences package might be just the thing you need.
Believe me, there’s the hard way and the easy way to complete this requirement. Get this done before the IBCLC exam application deadline so that you don’t get shut out for another 6 months or a year, or more.
Get your clinical hours
Now that’s a topic for another blog! And if you’re reading this at the last minute, no, you don’t have time to complete that requirement from top to bottom. But if you’re almost there, put a move on, and finish up!
You still have time to meet the IBCLC exam application deadline!
Step on the gas and get the resources you need. Today’s blog is just the cliff-notes version of your eligibility requirements. If you’re still struggling to determine what you need to apply, feel free to call us at 703-787-9894 or email us at info@mariebiancuzzo.com.