I’ve talked to literally thousands of IBCLC® exam candidates who have never taken the exam. They say to me, “I want to sit for the IBCLC exam, what do I have to do?” What? C’mon. No one wants to sit for the exam! (Everyone dreads it!) But everyone wants to pass the exam. So maybe the real question is, “What do I have to do to pass the IBCLC exam?”
Here’s my answer: Get my new online 95-hour Lactation Education Course. Now let me shoot straight with you.
This course is not for wimps. It’s for people who are serious learners, and who will do whatever it takes to succeed.
If that’s you, realize that passing a comprehensive exam means you need a rigorous, comprehensive course.
Let me tell you why I believe you’ll want to take this course.
It’s a truly comprehensive course
Our Lactation Education Course carries 90 lactation specific hours, plus the required 5 hours of communication.
It addresses all of the 114 LEAARC competencies, and all seven disciplines (and all 105 subtopics) of the IBCLC Detailed Content Outline.
If you’ve never taken the exam before, you don’t know what you need to learn in order to pass the IBCLC exam. But I do. And it’s all here.
There’s something for everyone
You like to read? Great, there’s plenty to read.
You like to see videos? Good, you’ll see them.
You like outlines to follow along with the videos? Yep, there’s a bunch of them.
You’d rather not be tethered to your screen for the videos? No problem, I’ve done some audiocasts for you to take with you on the go.
You need to do some learning exercises? Do some of the matching exercises to help you feel confident you know what’s what. These will be very effective in helping you to pass the IBCLC exam.
Need to interview an expert or do something else to get moving a little? Sure, I’ve thrown in a few of those assignments, too.
Feel a little rusty with some of the basic health science stuff? I’ve included optional assignments with some links to help you along if you need a quick review of a few.
Feel like you need to do a deeper dive on topics you’re especially interested in? No problem, most of the modules have optional, recommended material if you want to learn more.
Quiz questions included at the end of every unit
Do you feel unsure of yourself until you try your hand at answering questions? I’ve got you covered.
You’ll find recall quiz-style items to make sure you’ve met course objectives. Mind you, those questions are not a substitute for practice exams — those are much harder — but I think you’ll find them sufficiently challenging for a newbie! You can also get extra recall questions with our Prestige Package.
This lactation education course is designed for you to pass the IBCLC exam
It’s hard to explain, but I’ve spent hundreds of hours putting this course together. And I’m totally passionate about helping people to pass the IBCLC exam. Like – really passionate.
The first time I took the exam, I had an advanced degree in nursing and many years of clinical experience. I passed the exam by a whisker. I had never expected it to be that hard.
So, I’m very committed to helping other people nail it the first time.
Now, I’ve taken the exam 5 times. I know what you’re going to face on that exam.
I feel very confident that if you take buy my lactation education course, you’ll be in a good place to pass the IBCLC exam.
Here’s what I’m trying to say: Take a comprehensive course to pass a comprehensive exam. Get the benefit of a variety of learning methodologies and resources, take my (not-so-easy!) end-of-unit quiz questions, and…
Believe me when I tell you, I’ve designed this course so that you can pass the IBCLC exam on the first try!
Sign up today to get on your way to making your dreams a reality.
Are you ready to pass the IBCLC exam?