Over the years, I’ve taught thousands of wannabe IBCLCs. Even those who love my courses make suggestions for improvement. That means my courses are ever evolving. Now, you can take advantage of the modifications in our new 95-hour Lactation Education Course.
Check out these features!
More options to choose from
You asked, we listened!
With our new Lactation Education Course packages, you can choose the right package for your educational needs and budget.
Check out the different packages. There’s something for everyone, and everyone’s budget!
Premier Package
This basic package includes:
- 95 hours of lactation education (95 L-CERPs and 95 contact hours)
- 90 hours of lactation specific hours
- 5 hours of communication specific and lactation specific content
- A 3-month or 6-month completion guide to walk you through the course
- 373 assignments spread across 5 units (many of those are very short!)
- 280 lactation terms and definitions
- several learning activities
- 5 end-of-unit tests (total of 73 test questions)
Or, you could pick our Prestige Package. It includes more recall questions, an ebook, and more! The Elite Package offers even more with a hardcopy of my book, a coupon for savings on a review course, and more!
See our handy comparison table to help you choose the package that will work best for you!
Built to help you lead — and succeed!
Want to be a leader in your field? Of course you do! This course will give you the firm foundation for the career you want.
This course is built for success. There are over 150 individual learning modules covering the 105 topics of the IBCLC Detailed Content Outline (which is what the exam is built on).
Paying by units just got easier
While you’ve always had the option to get the entire course or purchase it unit-by-unit, we’ve lowered the price of our course units.
For the new course, the Premier Package is $219 per unit. (The larger packages will have a higher price for Unit 1, to cover the cost of the extras in those packages, but the rest of the units will still be just $219).
You can also upgrade to a larger package at any time. You’ll find the upgrades in our store, or via the links in your course. And you pay only the difference between the two packages.
More questions to test your knowledge
Previously, each unit had just a few recall questions. You asked for more end-of-unit test items to help you feel confident of your understanding of the material, so now, you can have them!
The Premier Package alone has 73 end-of-unit recall questions. The larger packages have even more!
A variety of learning methods
When we hear feedback about a course, a big theme is how much course registrants appreciate the varied learning methods and the short chunks of content.
I stayed true to that in my new Lactation Education Course.
Assignments include videos, reading, and audio files. And you’ll find a few writing exercises and some matching activities.
Recommended resources and assignments
During more than 25 years of prepping newbies, I’ve seen that some people are strong in some areas that others are weak in.
To address that, I’ve also included “recommended “assignments.
You can earn your 95 hours of lactation specific education without doing any of the “recommended” assignments. But remember: the 95 hours is IBLCE’s minimum requirement. But your aim is to actually pass the exam and later, to know what you’re doing in clinical practice. The recommended assignments will help with that.
Some people glossed over or never mastered the basic foundations of the sciences (for example, anatomy or physiology, etc.)
On the flip side, some people have already mastered the required content and they want to do a deeper dive. My “recommended” assignments are designed for anyone who needs or wants to learn a little bit extra.
More attention to tough topics and new topics
As time goes by, we accumulate more data, more research, and we see new trends. I’ve included some topics that you may not have even heard of a couple of years ago.
I also broke down some rugged content that people stumble on. For example, most people stumble on hormones, hormonal-related diseases, the impact of hormones on breastfeeding and lactation, and so forth.
Still a truly comprehensive course
Some things never change. The same is true here!
My new Lactation Education Course is still a truly comprehensive course.
It makes sense to take a comprehensive course for a comprehensive exam, right? When you finish, you’ll have more than 95 lactation-specific hours, and you can feel confident that you’ve been exposed to:
- all 100+ LEAARC competencies
- all seven disciplines and all 105 subtopics of the IBCLC Detailed Content Outline.
Designed with your success in mind
I’ve taken the exam myself five times. I work hard to make sure my courses are the best representation of what you need to know.
Complete the course and walk away ready to tackle the IBCLC exam with confidence!
Sign up today to get on your way to the job of your dreams!
Are you ready to grab hold of your future and sign up for my new 95-hour lactation education course?