I’ve been a devoted admirer of Dr. Nils Bergman’s work for years. To celebrate Kangaroo Care Day, I interviewed him. As you know, there are…
I often hear that one of the big obstacles to “going Baby-Friendly” is getting the boss to say yes! I’m not surprised. The truth is,…
I often hear that one of the big obstacles to “going Baby-Friendly” is getting the boss to agree to a policy proposal! I’m not surprised.…
I often hear that one of the big obstacles to “going Baby-Friendly” is getting the boss to agree! This doesn’t surprise me. The truth is…
Wouldn’t it be grand if you could successfully influence mothers, bosses, friends, and everyone you know to promote, support, and protect breastfeeding? What if I…
Some years ago, a good friend of mine had just returned from a prenatal visit. She began asking me some questions about her pregnancy and…
Last week, a woman who was having her second baby (by repeat cesarean surgery) asked if I would come to the hospital with her. I…
While writing your breastfeeding policy, maybe you sailed through Steps 1 and 2 of the Ten Steps. But, if you’re like many of my clients,…
Policy-writing is not a fun task, and the outcome is generally not a purpose-driven policy. Most people write a policy because it is a requirement…
It’s the nature of the beast: Achieving Baby-Friendly designation requires buy-in from all of the hospital’s health care staff. Maybe you’ve already found that building physician…