Fulfill your new PPDP Requirements
All-Online CERP Bundles
Proof of “Right” CERPs
Download or Print Your Own Certificates
If you’re an IBCLC® recertifying by CERPs this year, maybe you’ve already had trouble trying to figure out how to get the “right” CERPs to meet your PPDP requirements.
You're not alone! We're here to help!
Get everything you need in one convenient bundle!
Each of our CERP Bundles contains 5 E-CERPs so you can meet the Ethics requirement.

Our specially-designed CERP Bundles will help you to:
- Buy one bundle that meets all your recertifying needs.
- Get a certificate that clearly states which “topic(s)” you completed.
- Our 75-CERP Bundle is guaranteed to meet the requirements of your PPDP.
Don't waste time, energy, and money doing the "wrong" CERPs
And don’t risk finding out afterward that the CERPs you submitted didn’t meet your requirements.
Get going today!
Save money when you buy the bundle!
One of our CERP Bundles is right for you if you want to:
- complete your PPDP requirements
- recertify by CERPs this year
- recertify by CERPs in the next 4 years
- learn at your own pace
“How exciting to hear I have everything I need in the one package! Thanks so much for your help today. Please extend my thanks to Marie for a wonderful offering I can recommend to colleagues.”
Summerville, SC
“The [CERP] package I got from you … helped so much and has already had effects on my practice.”
Teresa B., IBCLC CD JD
Pittsburgh, PA
As owner of BreastfeedingOutlook.com and MarieBiancuzzo.com, Marie has been a long-term provider of CERPs for more than 20 years. Join the thousands of IBCLCs that have completed Marie’s CERP Bundles!
75 CERPs
35 topics
Includes the required 5 E-CERPs
Our 75-CERP Bundle is guaranteed to meet the requirements of your PPDP
Check out our selection of Individual Online Learning Programs
Not sure you can entirely manage to figure out the new CERP requirements?

Download our FREE Recertify by CERPs Checklist Today!
Accessing and Using the Bundles
Our bundles include a variety of individual online learning programs. Each individual program includes learning material in the form of a video, audiocast, or document, a post-test, evaluation, and certificate.
Our Recertification CERP Bundles are accessed via our sister site, BreastfeedingOutlook.com.
You will be redirected there when you make a purchase. To work on your CERP Bundle, log in to your account at BreastfeedingOutlook.com.
Under normal circumstances, once a purchase is made, it takes about 10 minutes for programs to load into your account. After that: (1) refresh your browser window (2) log in to your account on BreastfeedingOutlook.com, and (3) click the pink My Account tab at the top right of the
screen where you’ll see a list of bundle’s programs (4) click “Start Program” to get started.
Completion and Credits
Yes! As long as it is connected to the Internet. Just go to our website and log in to your secure account.
No. Everything you need to complete the program is included.
No. Your Certificate of Achievement will show approval from multiple certifying bodies. The fee that you’ve paid covers all.
Our continuing education programs expire six months from the date of purchase. The expiration
date is noted in the store description and on the Course Information Sheet. If you have an
extenuating circumstance, notify us in writing; expiration dates can be extended at the
discretion of Breastfeeding Outlook.
When you have completed the program and the evaluation, download and save (or print) your certificate. If you lose it, just come back to your account and reprint it!
Confusion about new rules for recertifying
Yes! Marie has written a few blog posts to help you. Start here:
The topic areas (or disciplines) for each individual online learning program within that CERP Bundle are listed in our store descriptions of our bundles.
Our 75-CERP Bundle is guaranteed to meet the requirements of your PPDP.
No. The credits prescribed by your PPDP count as part of the total CERP recertification
requirement. The topic area(s) listed on your PPDP are from the IBLCE’s Detailed Content Outline. To recertify, you need a total of 75 CERPs and that number must include, AT LEAST: 5
E-CERPs, 50 L-CERPs, Basic Life Support (counts as 3 R-CERPs), and at least 17 additional CERPs
which may be L-, E-, or R-CERPs. The CERPs prescribed by your PPDP must be of a specific topic
area (discipline), based on your self-assessment, and come out of the 50 L-CERPs. So, your
recertification CERPs MAY look like this:
- 5 E-CERPs
- 3 R-CERPs for Basic Life Support
- 17 CERPs in any topic you choose that may be L-, E-, or R-CERPs
- 50 L-CERPs
- CERPs prescribed by your PPDP
- Balance of L-CERPs in any topic area you choose
Using the IBLCE’s Detailed Content Outline, find the required topic area (in the blue rows) and
review all of the topics listed under that discipline. To get credits in that topic area, you need a
program covering any of these topics. For example, if you need CERPs from the Clinical Skills
discipline, find that discipline on the outline. You will see it has 5 topics: Equipment and
Technology, Education and Communication, Ethical and Legal Issues, Research, and Public
Health and Advocacy. Under each topic, subtopics are listed. You should look for programs in
these topics and then, make sure that it has been identified by the CERP provider to be of the
Clinical Skills discipline. We have determined the topic areas for all of our online learning
programs. That information is in the store descriptions and will be printed on your certificate.
Must-Read Questions and Answers
May I contact you if I have questions or comments?
What is your refund policy?
Sales for all online programs are final. Please carefully review the information provided before you
purchase and feel free to email us to ask specific questions so you can be sure the course is right for
you. After your purchase we are here to help with any questions or problems you have while
completing your course. You are never alone.